Thursday, January 11, 2007

An Open Letter To Michelle Wie

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Dear Ms. Wie,

Stop it already. Enough is enough, you can't compete against men at golf, at least not at this point in your career. Stop trying!

You gave it a shot, people found it interesting ... for a while. Now its just getting annoying. To quote the late great Adrian Balboa, "Don't you get it, you can't win." In fact you can't even come close to winning, todays 78 ended a 3 round streak of scores in the 80's. Everytime you step onto the golf course against me you make yourself look worse.

If you're really commited to doing this then take the time to get better first. Start playing against some women, and as a crazy idea may be actually win a tournament. Focus on your game, going to Stanford for 4 years and learning about Greek Philosophy and Microeconomics will not make you a better golfer. You might make some friends, but as a girl with millions surrounded by poor college students good luck sorting out the good from the bad.

May be you just want some time away from your parents, some independance. What 17 year old isn't looking for those things? But you've got some important decisions to make about your future, and if you ever want to be good enough to compete with the boys its gonna take some hard work.

Ike Krizzule

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